
Wilderness First Aid – Nepal

We are providing a series of Wilderness First Aid Courses in Nepal this Winter. Courses will be in Kathmandu, Pokhara and at Paddle Nepals River Camp at Chhimkesory. The opportunity to attend a Wilderness First Aid Course in a true wilderness setting is quite rare. Paddle Nepal provide the logistics to get to the camp and look after you in camp – we provide the Wilderness First Aid. Gurkha Adventures are kindly organising the courses in Kathmandu. There is a sliding scale of fees to enable junior guides to gain an internationally recognised first aid qualification from a UK company. If you have an interest in attending and wonder how to go about it, please get in touch.

Emergency Services Show

We are exhibiting at the Emergency Services Show 23-24 November – Coventry.  We are busy at work today sending out E-tickets to clients.  Our Banner is ready for printing along with flyers along with an interesting hand out.  We will be sending out regular updates during the show.

First Aid at Work

This afternoon we trained at Cresswell Quarry in Bradwell owned by Furness Bros.  They have been attending an HSE First Aid at Work Course.  We took them to their quarry to test their new skills.  Not much point in repeated practise on a carpet when you work outside in all weathers.  If you are thinking about booking on our HSE First Aid at Work courses, we offfer open courses at our venue or can train at your venue or have you come to our venue at Hope in the Peak District.

We seem to have collected quite an unusual portfolio of training for First Aid at Work – Farms, Quarries, Mines and even underground in a local Peak District Mine.  You can see a selection of photos in our gallery.

New Courses for Hang Gliding and Paragliding

We now have new Wilderness First Aid Courses for Hang Gliders, Paragliders and Airsports enthusiasts. I recently had a flight in Nepal with  Babu Sano Sunuwar the Nepali national champion. Babu was my student on a Wilderness First Aid Course organised by Paddle Nepal and he was working for Blue Sky Paragliding owned by David Arrufat.  When he said I should be his student I jumped at  the chance! I have some excellent photos and  a video flying from Sarankhot at Pokhara.  Sadly we had to abort our original flight near Machhapuchare Base Camp due to a major thunderstorm – we fled down the valley to Green Wall with the storm chasing us but still managed to fly at a lower altitude and had a great time.

I nearly turned down the offer to fly as I suffered from life threatening Pulmonary and Cerebral Oedema when working at a Rescue Post in Nepal a couple of years ago. A crackly phone call from Pokhara to Judy Leden from Airways Airsports, Derbyshire saved the day. Judy Leden and her team have now been on a couple of courses with us so I took her advice and had a great flight.  Last week we had Mark Bosher from Peak Air Sports on a course  – this lead to the development of 2 and 4 hour courses.

New Venue for High Peak First Aid

We have been very busy since I came back from providing wilderness first aid in Nepal.  We moved to our  new venue without disrupting our every Wednesday and Thursday and every weekend for Wilderness First Aid, not to mention courses away from base for HSE (Health and Safety Executive First Aid) and an Oxygen Competency Course for Mastermelts of Buxton, Derbyshire: they needed a course from High Peak First Aid as they use Cyanide and have to meet the standards provided by the HSE.  Jane and Tony in reception are taking on more of our admin as each day passes.  We are getting to grips with our Microsoft Dynamics CRM system and we are asking. This means that we can provide a super slick service for our clients.